Grants & Special Programs

The Grants & Special Programs Department manages several Federal educational grant programs for the district as well as AfterCare, the Migrant Student Education Program, and the Homeless Student Education Program under the McKinney-Vento Act.



Phone Number


Heather Siler-Dobbs

Director of Grants & Special Programs

(863) 462-5000 ext. 1059

Email Heather Siler-Dobbs 

Elisabeth Fox Garcia

Federal Programs Resource Teacher

(863) 462-5000 ext. 1024

Email Elisabeth Fox Garcia

Bea Rodriguez


(863) 462-5000 ext. 1066

Email Bea Rodriguez

DeeDee Coker


(863) 462-5000 ext. 1042

Email DeeDee Coker

Rose Sangabriel

Homeless Advocate

(863) 462-5000 ext. 1091

(863) 388-3621 (Cell)

Email Rose Sangabriel

Visit the pages below for information about each of the programs in our department.